Integrity, respect and improvement

Company policy

TECHNICAL SPRING deals with springs and small metal parts for industry.

The Management considers the Management System a key element of its strategy and promotes its values at all levels of the organization.

Understanding these principles is necessary in order to understand the essence of our Company, therefore we believe a brief explanation is appropriate to connect them in context.

INTEGRITY: All our commercial transactions take place in the name of transparency.

We are accountable to our team members, customers and suppliers to achieve our goals while protecting our reputation.

RESPECT: We treat all people with dignity and respect; we consider the differences in mentality, experience and culture to be a precious heritage. We create a healthy and safe workplace, observing all applicable European, national and local legislation, related to the aspects that regulate the protection of Quality, the Environment and Health and Safety in the workplace, including the commitment to prevention of accidents and occupational diseases.

The regulatory aspects, combined with the voluntary ones, provide the guidelines for establishing and reviewing the objectives, environmental and corporate goals: for this reason, the company is committed to obtaining ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.

IMPROVEMENT: We work as a team to improve ourselves every day, translating our Management System into a plan of defined and measurable objectives for all levels of the organization:

  1. Reasonable and constant improvement of environmental impacts that could have negative consequences on health and safety, thanks to the involvement and awareness of employees, who are always and constantly trained and informed, so that they adopt behaviors appropriate to the various activities.The same training and awareness will be extended to all people who work on behalf of the company and the Management System will always be made available to them too, as interested parties. The problem of Quality and Environment management in the company is everyone’s problem, which must be addressed with systematic group work.
  1. Constant verification of company processes to minimize the environmental impacts generated by them, using systems that fully comply with all current technical and legal standards, always favoring the best available and economically practicable techniques, including the ergonomics of the workplace which must be pleasant and comfortable without losing productivity.
  1. The products and logistics activities are fundamental for the quality and competitiveness of TECHNICAL SPRING’s products/services: therefore we will try to carefully select suppliers on the basis of their technical, qualitative, organizational capabilities and their ability to comply and protection of the environment and health and safety.

LEADERSHIP: The Owner spreads and supports the commitment to satisfy the requirements of the Quality and Environmental Management System and to continuously improve its effectiveness. We favor a corporate culture based on the “chain of support” rather than the “chain of command”, trying to help each other. The Quality, Environment and Safety Policy is periodically reviewed during management reviews, in order to evaluate its continued suitability, also in light of all improvement programs. The Quality and Environment Manager (making use, when necessary, of the support of external specialist bodies) carries out the control and verification actions of the implementation of the requirements relating to the Quality and Environment System

COURAGE: We have the courage, as individuals and as professionals, to do the right thing and to dare, even knowing that this can lead us to successes but sometimes to failures. We make decisions and act. We do not blame those who make mistakes, but those who refuse to learn.

The Owner undertakes to make available resources and means adequate to the objectives and goals set, in terms of competence, equipment, information, economic and financial resources, constantly monitoring their adequacy. Furthermore, it promotes a methodological approach focused on the systematic collection of data and their timely analysis.

Being consistent with these values will make us very successful with our customers and suppliers. Our team members will exhibit the highest performance in the industry and our Company will be able to have trained people to continue the journey towards a better future.

This is the company that TECHNICAL SPRING can become.

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